REASONS OF GETTING FAT are you curious that why are you getting fat day by day? there are various reasons for it. lets come to the point... HOW FAT STORES IN OUR BODY it's all related with our diet and required calories to our body. it is taken as the important thing but other factors also play various role in getting fat.when we eat our body gets calories there is limited daily requirement of calorie which is generally in average is 2000Calories but it depends on weight you can calculate the required calories to your body here so, when we consume more calorie then required the body stores the energy in the form of fatfor future use. in this way fat stores in our body. FACTORS HELPING IN FAT STORING PROCESS 1. CONSUMING MORE CALORIE 2. LESS PHYSICAL ACTIVITES 3. POOR METABOLISM 4. LAZY LIFE STYLE CONSUMING MORE CALORIE Foods like pizza, burgers, noodles etc contains high calorie al...